Monday, January 4, 2016

Heartfelt conference

we are less than 2 weeks away from the 2nd annual Heartfelt Conference!
How did it get it here so quickly!?!?

I know that I have yet to post about it, but I have not posted much of anything lately.
That does not mean that this event has not been on our hearts, in our conversations, in our daily lives for months. We are all so thrilled about it!

Last year was beyond any of my expectations and i'm actually way more pumped about this year.
I sure hope you're planning on coming. 
If you have questions-any questions!- Click here for all information about the conference, including hotels, directions, tickets, schedule...all the deets!

I'm also really, really, really loving my moms new website:
it is beautiful, easy to navigate, and does a beautiful job of expressing her heart for this ministry.
a ministry about connecting women.
which, we all need-desperately.

if you can't attend the conference, find a way to connect with women in a deeper, more meaningful way.
connecting with women older than me, more "seasoned" women, has been a tremendous blessing in my life.
I do have some extraordinary women in my family, but i have learned so much from women who i would have never known otherwise, had it not been for Heartfelt.
the women who have been/are my Heartmoms, will forever be in my heart and i credit a large portion of my motherly and wifely accomplishments and knowledge to them.

learn more about this wonderful ministry and COME TO THE CONFEReNCE.
click here and buy your ticket.
see YOU there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't wait! Last year was amazing. @theparkwife