Friday, January 28, 2011

couch potato

This is day 3 of my bum being glued to the couch.
I'm getting tired of it which lets me know that I am almost in the clear.

It seems that everyone is sick. If you look at any social networking site, the majority of the people are commenting about their physical woes.
I have joined the ranks. This little virus has kicked my rear and I am slowly recovering.
The first day I called my mom twice and only remembered one conversation...without drugs. Yeesh.
I don't like to go to the doctor. I believe that our bodies know how to fight these bugs and will do so in time.
Why waste my time and money at the doctor?
Of course, I know when it's necessary. But if its some virus that my body will fight...I stay home, drink gallons of water, take symptom relief meds, put on my chapstick 24/7, keep some tissues handy and rest. 

My dear hubsters has miraculously stayed well. Actually it's no miracle. He hasn't come within 10 feet of since my first cough 4 days ago. I kid.
The first night he got me water, patted my back and asked "can I do something?" a million times.
The next day came with fever and I haven't even high-fived him since.
I do not blame him. He's smart. More importantly, he's well and working.
And he doesn't think I'm a stupid girl when I cry a little when my body hurts.
Love him.
This guy has stayed home with me though.
Not that he had any other option. Nonetheless, I'm thankful that he stayed home. I think he still would even if he did have another option.

he lays like this alot. you'll have to excuse our man-dog. he know no manners

this is his post while i lay on the couch. he stands guard against all those woolyboogers who are out to get me

i'm ready to get up and get out.
oh wait, i'm still hacking up a lung.
maybe tomorrow,

1 comment:

Meagan Shackelford said...

Saint lays on his back like that a lot too. It's his "you-need-to-pet-me-right-now" pose. My dog is not exactly a gentleman either.